Stock the Shelves is an initiative started by a group of community leaders who
became friends through their volunteer activities and want to address the ongoing
issue of food insecurity in Northwest Connecticut.
The group is working with area businesses, civic groups, municipalities, schools and churches
to organize food drives on an ongoing basis throughout the year. The food is collected,
sorted and distributed to food banks and community soup kitchens in the region.

Stock the Shelves Founding Sponsors met on March 24, 2022 to launch the Stock the Shelves Fund (a fund of Northwest CT Community Foundation). Pictured above are (front row) Lesa Vanotti of Torrington Savings Bank, James Thibault of Barron Financial Group, LLP, Guy Rovezzi of Northwest CT Community Foundation, and (back row) Steven Roth of Elevator Service Company, Inc., Lance Leifert of Conquest and Bradford Hoar of Northwest CT Community Foundation.

Stock the Shelves co-founders received hundreds of pounds of donations at the NW CT Chamber Annual Meeting.

Members of the Litchfield County Business Professionals have embraced Stock the Shelves and will be holding food drives.

DJ Murphy of Murphy Boyz Marketing presented Stock the Shelves co-founder John Seagrave with stickers to use on our donation boxes.
The talented ladies at Hairspray Salon in Torrington and their clients helped Stock the Shelves with their food drive during April.